Monday, November 19, 2012

compound words

Jack and Shadow are sitting in the sunshine.
Hilltop is a compound word because it is made of two whole words that can be used separately. What two whole words are in hilltop: hill and top. 

The word hill is short. The word top is short. But, if you hook hill to top, it makes a long word: hilltop. Look at bed and room. If you hook bed to room, it makes a long word: bedroom. Can you see the word bed, and the word room inside the compound word, bedroom?
yes   no

When you see a long word, you can look to see if the long word has more than one word it in. This can make it easier to read long words. Try it, can you see two whole words in this long word: sidewalk?

What two words did you see? ______ and ________

I hope you said, side and walk.  Try: doorway
Did you see door and way?  yes    no
See if you can choose the correct word for each of these questions:

1. Look at this picture of Jack and his dog, Shadow. Are Jack and Shadow sitting on a hilltop or in Jack's bedroom?  1. ______________

2. Would you say the time of day is afternoon or nighttime? 2. ___________

3. Would you say Jack and Shadow are sitting in a snowstorm or the sunshine? 3.________

4. Do you think Jack would like to eat jellybeans or a dragonfly? 4.___________

5. Are Jack and Shadow sitting inside of a house or outside of a house? 5. ___________

6. Would Shadow like to chase a rattlesnake or a bullfrog?  6. ____________

7. Can seeing how compound words work help you be a smarter reader?  yes   no

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Answers: 1. hilltop, 2. afternoon, 3. sunshine, 4. jellybeans, 5. outside, 6. bullfrog, 7. let your reader tell you his thinking with this question

Have fun reading, Mary Maisner

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