Thursday, November 1, 2012

ADD ADHD reading help

What are these animals saying to each other?
ADD /  ADHD children are too distracted at school to get enough practice to master the basic letter to sound connections that are vital to success.  
Confusing letters b / d and p / q / g need your attention. After reading the rest of this lesson, put into my search box - at the top - backward b and working memory.  Five minutes a day is enough to change your child's control of them.

Two quick tips. 1st - ignore the printing of backward letters. This will not slow your child's  progress, is rarely dyslexia, and will self-correct by 2nd Grade. 
2nd - quit stopping to sound out. Stopping is counter-productive for everyone's short term memory. Instead, tell your child to keep reading, sliding over unknown words. After a paragraph or two, stop to recap what is happening so far in the story. Reread the paragraph, telling your child any unknown words as you go. As your child gets a stronger connection to comprehension, there will be fewer unknown words.

Your child wants the good feeling of completing a task but he will need your calm guidance to get himself on track. Do this:

Once you have one of my books or another skills-building book - start by cutting one page into three or four sections - top of page, middle of page, bottom. (If you are doing this with school assignments, call the teacher. Explain that you are trying something to help your child, get the teacher's permisson. Then be sure to place your child's work in a pocket folder so that none of the work gets lost.)

Tell your child to keep his eyes down on his work section until it is completed. When he has the section finished, he is to stand up and walk over to a box you have set aside for him to deposit his finished work. (Moving around is important to a child; so make it "task related.")

He can even give himself a star for having completed one section. You can give him a 2nd star on the section if the work is correct.

Next, have an assigned box for him pick up and do the 2nd section of his work; keeping his eyes on his page until it is completed.  Once you and your child have worked through this process a few times, you will see the beauty of it!

Write me; let me know how this works for you. I have used this structure with extremely troubled children in my classroom. Children love it!

I use eBay as my website. Search Instant Reading Help all my books will pop up. All are brand new and include my contact info; email or call for help. Please feel welcome to write me with questions. There is a comment space below.

Write with questions. Have a great day, Mary Maisner

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