Boost your child's reading using these two bits of information:
1) how the eye works while reading a line of print
2) connection between short term working memory and long term storage memory
Eye behavior: Just as our heart and lungs are doing their jobs in their own way without any direction from us, the eye is performing magic, unbeknown to us.
As we look along a line of print, the eye is hopping forward a few letters. The eye's magical work is telling the brain what letters and words are coming up next.
The brain instantly searches long term storage memory to supply the required information before your child arrives at the upcoming letters and words.
The child whose letters and sight words are strongly stored in long term storage memory is going to soar along the line of print. But, if the brain searches for letters and words that are weak or not there, the child gets confused, flustered. Troubles quickly pile up. Luckily, it is easy for parents to step in with the right help.
There is not enough time at school for the practice required to truly learn the basic lessons that need to be solidly stored in your child's storage memory. This is why so many of our children cannot read at grade level by 3rd Grade. The troubles started in 1st Grade but parents do not see it because reading is an invisible activity.
Tip: do not stop to sound out - tell your child any unknown words, have your child to keep reading onward. Kindergarten: 1) ignore the printing of backward letters, rarely dyslexia and will self-correct by mid-2nd Grade. Instead, be sure your child can instantly see / say all ABCs and can print and identify b / d and g / p / q. Confusing those five letters when starting to reading in 1st Grade will cause a cascade of bad. Also, teach the 1st 10 to 15 sight words. 1st Grade: instant identification of b / d and g / p /q within words is crucial. Review and extend sight word mastery every night. Read to your child and have your child read to you every day.
Use my search box - top left corner- put in fix reading problem or backward b or how the brain learns to read or high school reading to get help.
I now use eBay as my website, people trust it. Seach Instant Reading Help all my books will pop up for you.
My books give you secrets and tips and all the tricky phonics rules and lessons, plus lots of fun, and include my contact info. Research shows only 6 / 50 kids ever catch up from a slow start in 1st Grade. Waiting is never your friend. Thank you, Mary Maisner
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