1) Get instant recognizing each of the ABCs and its sound: A apple, B bear, etc.
2) Ask your child to run his or her finger under each word while you are reading stories together. One at a time, start teaching the 1st ten sight words: the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, it, he. (All sight word lists are the same and in the same order. The more sight words, the better. Motto: the rich get richer.)
3) When a child starts reading words in 1st Grade the problem of confusing b / d and p / q / g within words is the major reason children fall behind. You are going to prevent that problem:
My Bb rule: letter b is the 2nd letter in my ABCs and its little round face always looks the way words go in a story >>>>.
Help your child draw a lot of giant letter b's. Help your child draw eyes looking the way words go in a story >>. Draw a smile. You say: "b likes to see if b knows any of the words."
Take turns saying things that start with b: boy, box, bus, bird, baby, bear, etc. Ask your child to point to letter b in the words of stories you read together: start boy; middle cabin; end crab.
Dd Rule: d's straight line blocks d's round face from seeing the way words go. Dd is sad.
Draw lots of giant d's, draw sad eyes, draw a sad mouth, make a big point of blocking d's round face with d's straight line.
While reading stories watch for d at the start, middle, and end of words. Say the words, be clear about the d sound. Get instant identifying d within words.
Gg rule: letter g has a fancy tail that tries to reach up to tickle g's round face. Draw giant g's, make eyes looking down at g's fancy tail. (Handwritten q has hooked tail - the opposite of g.)
Pp Rule: the round face of p looks the way words go in a story, just like b >. Make giant p's with a smile and eyes looking the way words go >. Look for p in words when reading together.
Qq Rule: the round face of q is blocked by q's straight line. Make giant q's, draw sad eyes and a sad mouth. Make a big point of blocking q's round face with q's straight line. Online and machine-printed q has a straight line - exact mirror of p.
Handprinted q is made at school with a small hook looking away from the round face. Get instant seeing q within words. When reading stories together, watch for q at the start and middle of words. Qq says kw.
160 lessons can be seen on this blog. And, all of my books teach these rules and list all sight words and everything else your reader needs. I now use eBay as my website. Search Instant Reading Help all my books will pop up. All are brand new and include my contact info; email or call for help. Have fun reading with your child. Best wishes, Mary Maisner
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