Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ou ow sound as long o

Can a toad sit on the shoulders of our gorilla?
Ou and ow can say long o as in blow, crow, shoulder, boulder. You read while your child points to each word.

Point and say the word list five times before moving on. Make up sentences using the words:

blow    sow   tow     snow   shoulder    though

glow    sew   toe     show    boulder     although

Sow as in, the farmer was sowing the bean seeds in the ground.
Sew as in, Mom sewed the button on my shirt.
Boulder as in, the toad sat on the flat boulder (rock, stone). 

Now try:
crow     throw         arrow      pillow      window

grow     shadow     narrow    minnow   hollow

Now try:
swallow     sparrow   mellow     doughnut           thorough    burrow

shallow      marrow    fellow       pizza dough      borough     borrow

Marrow as in, my bones have marrow inside them.
Thorough as in to do a thing completely, I cleaned my room thoroughly.
Borough as in a part of town, Brooklyn is a borough of New York City.
Burrow is the underground home of an animal: the star-nose mole has a narrow burrow.
Borrow as in, May I borrow your pencil?
Burrow and borough sound alike.

I use ebay as my website. Search Instant Reading Help all my books will pop up.
They teach through stories and skills pages. All books teach an easy way to connect to comprehension, plus all tricky letter teams like ce are underlined in the words of the stories. None of my books are dumbed-down. All include my contact info so you can talk to a reading teacher when you need help.

Have a great day. Thank you, Mary Maisner

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