Say baby chicks and chicken. Do you hear that ch sound at the start of chicks and chickens? You do not hear the ch sound anywhere in the word rooster. |
Early readers need to start with ch as chair since it is the most often seen by them. Letters c and h drop their standard sounds and melt together to make a special sound.
Ask your student to point to each word as you read it; your student can repeat the word after you. Tell each other sentences using each word:
chair chin cheek cherry
chain chili cheer chick
chase chirp cheese chicken
When you are reading stories together, look for ch at the start, middle, and end of words.
Do not assume your child sees something if you do not bring it to his attention - ask him to point to the ch word and try to read the ch word. Tell him the word after two tries.
Let's look at words that use ch at the end. Ask your child to point as you read, let your child repeat the word with you. Notice this is a rhyming word family:
each reach beach speech
peach teach bleach leech
Let's try:
match patch catch latch
batch hatch scratch attach
Let your child try this quiz. He should tell you yes if the word will have a ch sound; no, if not:
1. chat yes or no
2. chimney yes or no
3. chipmunk yes or no
4. check yes or no
5. each yes or no
6. pinch yes or no
7. shell yes or no
8. pitcher yes or no
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You may have seen the recently published test results showing that less than 50% of our children are successfully connecting vocabulary to comprehension. All of my books, from Kindergarten forward, focus upon this essential part of the reading puzzle by teaching my own easy, special method.
Answers: 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. yes, 5. yes, 6. yes, 7. no, sh as in shell, ship, 8. yes - if your child correctly thought pitcher used the ch sound - celebrate and give him a treat!! If he correctly said the word, pitcher; ask him how he did it!
Remember to watch for ch words as you read stories together! Mary Maisner