Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Backward b, reversed letters, mirror letters

Children start out printing their ABCs backward. It is rarely dyslexia, will self-correct by mid-2nd Grade, and will not slow your child's progress.  Why won't it slow your child? Because your child will not see a backward h or r, etc. in print. Instantly identifying letters in print at the start of 1st Grade is your goal. Only b, d, g, p, q require being printed correctly. Your child must get instant identifying b, d, p, q, g shapes within words by early 1st Grade. Kids know names and sounds but confuse shapes b / d and p / q / g within words.

When a child is not sure if the lettters are dy or by; olb or old - the child quickly falls behind. New lessons never stop coming, which is why it is very hard to catch up.  Teach my rules:

1) Bb rule: Bb is the 2nd letter in my ABCs and b's round face always looks the way words go in a story >>>. Help your child draw tons of giant b's with eyes looking the way words go > and a smile. Repeat the Bb rule together. After reading a story together, look back through the story for b at the start, middle, and end of words.

2) Dd rule: d's straight line blocks d's eyes from seeing the way words go in a story; d is sad. Help your child draw tons of giant d's with sad eyes and a sad mouth. Make a big point of blocking d's round face with d's straight line. After reading a story together, look back through the story for d at the start, middle, and end of words. 

3) Gg ruleg has a fancy tail which tries to reach up to tickle g's round face. Draw giant g's with eyes looking down at g's fancy tail.  **After your child is sure of this form of g use a storybook to tell your child that g in stories has a special shape . You and your child hunt and point to special g in words whenever you read stories together, until your child is sure of school g and special story g. (Do this for capital I also. The Arial font I looks to children like the lowercase l of lamb.  Times New Roman font capital I has lines at top and bottom.)

4) Pp rule: Pp looks the way words go in a story, just like letter b >>>; b and p can see. Draw giant p's with eyes looking the way words go and a smile. Find p at the start, middle, and end of words while reading stories together.  

5) Qq rule: q's straight line blocks q's face from seeing the way words go in a story. Help your child make lots of giant q's with sad eyes and a sad mouth; q is sad because q's face cannot see the way word go >.

Be aware: lower-case online and machine-printed q always has a straight line; lower-case handwritten q has a small hook curved up and away from q's round face, the opposite of g.

Qq says kw, take turns saying q words: quick, quiet, quest, squirrel. Watch for q at the start and middle of words: quick, quiet, queen, squirrel. In English words, letter u is next. .

I use eBay as my website. Search Instant Reading Help all my books will pop up for you. All the basics plus tons of special lessons. My info is included with the books, do not hesitate to call with questions!               Have a great day, Mary Maisner


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