Saturday, November 12, 2011

Teacher Tip plus a gift

If you are a classroom teacher who tries this tip and makes it work for you; I will take 1/2 off any of my  books (eBay; Instant Reading Help) and mail it free.

Before my second year of teaching, I knew I was being assigned a wild child who had spent his first tour through 2nd grade sitting in the hall. The Special Reading teachers refused to have him in their clinic. The Lunch Room was always in chaos at the hands of ... Johnny. Gorgeous child but nearly dangerous.

What to do? I made up my mind to surprise Johnny and it worked better than I ever imagined!

The first day Johnny roared in to my classroom, spewing combinations of profanity I'd never heard assembled before. I smiled at him, instructed him to get a drink from the drinking fountain and take his seat. Johnny was so shocked, he did take a cold drink, he did take his seat.

All kids love to do the special duties teachers dole out: take this note to Miss Jones, take these books to the school library, run this note to the office. Usually teachers require children to earn these honors. These duties are bestowed only on perfect students.

Right off the bat, I was sending Angela to the office with the lunch money and, with the same breath, sending Johnny to the library with a pile of books.  (One can always find a pile of books.)

How long do you think it was before Johnny was actually working pretty hard to hammer himself into a civilized shape? 

He thrived, basking in the chance to take a note to Miss Jones and show a visitor to a chair in the classroom. These duties were never held over his head as leverage. Yes, he had many falls off the wagon, still got into fights, and his creative profanity made many appearances but he made a huge change in himself.

He started reaching for success. He learned a beautiful smile! The Lunch Room Ladies were shocked and pleased and singing his praises. Special Reading took him back and honored him with sweet pats on his back. And, me?

I cried. It tore at my heart that it took so little to open the door of school success for this dynamo named Johnny.

Let me know how this strategy works for you. Expect that it will be a day-to-day journey, don't give up. Tell me your story. Then, pick out a book at eBay, search Instant Reading Help.

The wonderful graphics I use are from Corel ClipArt, originally Micrografx ClipArt.
Thank you, Mary Maisner


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