Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fix a slow reading start

Kindergarten and 1st Grade are the foundation upon which your child's reading success depends. Teachers believe, and will tell you, your child will catch up next year. Research shows this to be untrue. If your child is getting a slow start, use my top left corner search box - put in backward b and working memory.

Start today to strengthen your child's letter skills and sight words. If you do not have time, or you and your child do not work well together - common problem -
hire a tutor to teach my book- see below. (Not a tutor company, and not the school's special reading clinic. Now is the time for serious help; a personal tutor.)

Parents are dependent upon teachers to keep them informed. 
Teachers see a snapshot rather than the long-range picture. Teachers do not realize a slow start is crippling, long into the future. 
The blame rests with teaching colleges and universities. These institutions are not following the research which is detailing what needs to be done, and not preparing teachers properly.

Every one of my books teach exactly what you want your child to learn. I use ebay as my website. Search Instant Reading Help all my books will pop up. All my books include my contact info; email or call for help.

Research shows that only 6 out of 50 kids catch up by 4th grade from a slow start in 1st grade.

Please feel welcome to write with questions or comments.  Thank you, Mary Maisner

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